This is a closed, publicly viewable wiki. It is not open for anyone to edit. I use this wiki to make available information about technology, the business of software development and my intellectual interests at large.

You are free to reuse the information in this wiki only according to the terms of the license.

I just started this wiki in spring 2014. Content here is incomplete. This wiki replace my older private wikis.


I believe that sharing ideas on open ground is essential for development of novel concepts and methods. Thus, my wiki is freely available to everyone.

Progress comes from the unreasonable man George Bernard Shaw
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is. Yogi Berra
It turns out that just about everything we do involves cleaning the bathrooms. Creating an environment where __care__ and __trust__ are expressed. If you take a lot of time to ask, "how will this pay off?" you're probably asking the wrong question. When you are trusted because you care, it's quite likely the revenue will take care of itself. Seth Godin
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change. Albert Einstein