If you choose Rust, usually you need what the language provides:

  • Safety against Null pointers, race conditions and all sorts of low-level threats.
  • Predictable runtime behavior (zero cost abstractions and no garbage collector).
  • (Almost) total control over the hardware (memory layout, processor features).
  • Seamless interoperability with other languages.
  • If you don't require any of these features, Rust might be a poor choice for your next project.

GO vs Rust

Rust competes for mindshare with C++ and D for programmers who are prepared to accept more complex syntax and semantics (and presumably higher readability costs) in return for the maximum possible performance. For example, micro controllers, AAA game engines, and web rendering engines. Go competes for mindshare in the post 2006 Internet 2.0 generation of companies who have outgrown languages like Ruby, Python, and Node.js (v8) and have lost patience with the high deployment costs of JVM based languages. dave cheney