
per il commit è necessario impostare email e username, si vedono con

git config -l

e si impostano con:

git config --global "username"
git config --global

altri default utili:

git config --global color.diff auto
git config --global color.status auto
git config --global color.branch auto
git config --global diff.external meld
git config --global credential.helper cache

per gestire il merge e i conflitti

git mergetool -t meld

iniziare il repo:

git clone $url

iniziare localmente:

git init
git push origin master
git push -u origin master
# -u o --set-upstream: collega una branch a un repo remoto
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin$repo.git
git push -u origin master

Each repository is given a nickname, which is called a "remote". The name of this new remote repository is "origin", and it can be anything else. "master" branch is the same as the Subversion "trunk".

git remote add origin

aggiungere al repo:

# invia i cambiamenti solo dei files già sotto versione, ignora gli altri
git commit -m "$msg"
# oppure
git commit -am "$msg"
git push

Modify the Previous Commit's Message:

git commit --amend

Reset, eliminare modifiche errate, tornare a versioni precedenti

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:

ripristina un file

git fetch
git checkout origin/master $file_name
# metodo 2
git checkout -- $file_name
git checkout --theirs $file_name

abbandona tutte le modifiche locali:

# metodo 1
git reset --hard HEAD
# metodo 2
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
# elimina file locali non versionati, non lascia backups
git clean -f -d

ripristinare files eliminati:

git ls-files -d | xargs git checkout --

merge: git add * git commit -a -m "commit message"

  1. fetch the changes and overwrite if there is a conflict

git fetch origin master git merge -s recursive -X theirs origin/master

tornare a X commit precedenti:

git reset --hard HEAD~5

Undo Previous Commit

revert crea un commit inverso(toglie dove aggiunto, aggiunge dove tolto...) dei commit già inviati

# ripostare allo stato precedente il repo
git revert HEAD
# undo single last commit
git revert HEAD^
# elimina un vecchio commit, il 3 dalla head
git revert HEAD~3
# undo degli ultimi 13 commit a partire da HEAD
git revert HEAD~13..HEAD
# ritorna a un particolare commit
git revert hashnumber



Usually the command automatically creates some commits with commit log messages stating which commits were reverted. This flag applies the changes necessary to revert the named commits to your working tree and the index, but does not make the commits. In addition, when this option is used, your index does not have to match the HEAD commit. The revert is done against the beginning state of your index.

This is useful when reverting more than one commits' effect to your index in a row.

revert creando una Branch dei commit che risultano errati(rework)

# Let's assume that you're on the master branch and the commit you want to go back to is c2e7af2b51.
#Rename your current master branch:
git branch -m $branchname
#Check out your good commit:
git checkout c2e7af2b51
#Make your new master branch here:
git checkout -b master
#Now you still have your crazy experiment around if you want to look at it later, but your master branch is back at your last known good point,
#ready to be added to. If you really want to throw away your experiment, you can use:
git branch -D $branchname
# carica/scarica commit su uno specifico branch remoto
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$branchname $branchname

Estrarre tutti i file modificati da un commit all'altro con Git

tutti i file modificati di un determinato commit (o range di commit).

git diff --name-only oldsha newsha | zip -@

risparmiare spazio

git gc
git gc --aggressive
git prune
$ git-gc --aggressive
$ git-repack
$ git-repack -a
$ git-prune-packed

Branches, Local + Remote

Git allows you to create a local branch , check it out, work on it and commit to it all offline without contacting the remote repo. Eg:

git branch ticket5
git checkout ticket5
git commit -am "Commiting changes"

Then when you are done, you may send all of your commits to the remote branch in 'origin' using push again.

git push origin ticket5

you work on a copy of that branch then send that copy to the repo when you are done.

This command will create a new head with the given name, and point that head at the requested commit object. If the commit object is left out, it will point to HEAD.

Create and Checkout a New Branch:

# branches from currently checked out directory
git checkout -b $branchName

Checkout a Remote Branch:

git checkout -b <localBranchName> origin/<remoteBranchName>
git checkout master
git merge iss53

applicare i cambiamenti del branch sul master, posizionarsi su una copia di master:

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git merge test
git push origin master
git push -u origin master

push all your branches to the remote, and set-upstream tracking correctly

git push --all -u
git checkout -b <branchName>
# edit files, add and commit ...
git push -u origin <branchName>
# -u alias of --set-upstream


Tagging, Deleting, and Pushing Tags

# Create a Tag
git tag <tagName>
# Delete the tag
git tag -d <tagName>
# Push Tags
git push --tags

aggiungere un sub module

similar to svn externals. but:

The git submodule is bound to the revision that you give it. va aggiornato e committato separatamente perché il progetto principale ne ignora i cambiamenti.

git submodule add git:// plugins/sfSympalPlugin
# scarica il submodule
git submodule update --init --recursive

checking out a tag that you want the submodule to "stick" at. guida submodule

who did it?

git blame <fileName>

GitHub pull request

# a un Fork locale, aggiungi il riferimento al master remoto
git remote add fuel-core
# merge modifiche remote
git fetch fuel-core
git merge fuel-core/1.1/develop
git status
# push al Fork su GitHub
git push

per aggiornare il codice di un fork:

# After your fork is made, clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone$project.git
# Add the original $project repository as a remote repository. You'll use this later to fetch changes from the $project repository. #This will let you stay up to date with $project:
cd $project
git remote add upstream git://$project/$project.git


fatal: Authentication failed for 'https:...'

ricorda che va usato il token e non la password se si ablita 2FA(two factor authentication)

Password Cache

1.7.9 and later:

# default 900s
git config --global credential.helper cache
# 10h
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=36000'
# store to file unencripted
git config --global credential.helper store --file ~/.git-credentials

for HTTPS repositories:

gedit .git/config
# find the url and paste the credentials:

for HTTPS repo with "2 factor Auth"(Github), use the token as a password


# differenze della versione attuale rispetto al remote, ma ignora whitespaces
git diff -b -w
# cosa è stato fatto oggi?
git log --pretty=short --since="1 days ago" --author devsmt --no-merges
git config --global diff.external meld

setup visual diff: salva un wrapper in /user/local/bin/ git passa 7 parametri al difftool, meld ne vuole 2:

import sys
import os
os.system('meld "%s" "%s"' % (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[5]))

Now we can set Git to perform it's diff on our new script :

git config --global diff.external
git diff filename

differenze rispetto una versione di un file:

git log $path
git diff 9ff9956ddf50a40e82a92d7692b230c55dad5577 --  $path
git difftool -y 9ff9956ddf50a40e82a92d7692b230c55dad5577 -- $path
git diff HEAD~2 HEAD -- filename.txt

ottenere la versione corrente( utile in un post commit hook):

git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1
git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1

errori e conflitti

"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten"

# fai commit locale per mantenere le modifiche
gitg .
# estrae l'ultima versione da remoto
git checkout HEAD^ templates/dir/index.php
git pull
# dovrebbe fare merge e eventualmente dare errore sui conflitti da risolvere a mano

git pull error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by "merge"

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.

Then the git reset resets the master branch to what you just fetched. The hard option changes all the files in your working tree to match the files in origin/master, so if you have any local changes, they will be lost. With or without hard, any local commits that haven't been pushed will be lost.

Temporarily Stash Changes and Restore Later

usare git stash , le modifiche locali vengono messe in un commit temporaneo e tolte, in modo da poter facilmente fare merge con una versione remota in conflitto. il commit temporaneo può essere poi applicato separatamente.

git stash apply
# After changes have been made...
git stash
# Do some other stuff here, like switch branches, merge other changes, etc.
#Re-apply the changes
git stash pop

prendere differenze da remoto e controllare l eultime modifiche

git fetch
git log -p HEAD..FETCH_HEAD

common tasks/commands

1. Initialize a local repository

git init <directory>

The is optional. If you don't specify it, the current directory will be used.

2. Clone a remote repository

git clone <url>

3. Add a file to the staging area

git add <file>

To add all files in the current directory, use . in place of .

git add .

4. Commit changes

git commit -m "<message>"

If you want to add all changes made to tracked files & commit

git commit -a -m "<message>"
  1. or
git commit -am "<message>"

5. Remove a file from the staging area

git reset <file>

6. Move or rename a file

git mv <current path> <new path>

7. Remove a file from the repository

git rm <file>

You can also remove it from staging area only using --cached flag

git rm --cached <file>

Basic Git Concepts Default branch name: main Default remote name: origin Current branch reference: HEAD Parent of HEAD: HEAD^ or HEAD~1 Grandparent of HEAD: HEAD^^ or HEAD~2 13. Display branches

git branch

Useful flags:

-a: Display all branches (local & remote) -r: Display remote branches -v: Display branches with last commit 14. Create a branch

git branch <branch>

You can create a branch and switch to it using the checkout command.

git checkout -b <branch>

15. Switch to a branch

git checkout <branch>

16. Delete a branch

git branch -d <branch>

You can also force delete a branch using the -D flag.

git branch -D <branch>

17. Merge a branch

git merge <branch to merge into HEAD>

Useful flags:

no-ff: Create a merge commit even if the merge resolves as a fast-forward squash: Squash all commits from the specified branch into a single commit Fast forward Merge Fast-forward-merge

Non-Fast forward Merge No-fast-forward-merge

It is suggested to not use the --squash flag as it will squash all commits into a single commit, leading to a messy commit history.

18. Rebase a branch Rebasing is the process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit


git rebase <branch to rebase from>

19. Checkout a previous commit

git checkout <commit id>

20. Revert a commit

git revert <commit id>

21. Reset a commit

git reset <commit id>

You can also add the --hard flag to delete all changes, but use it with caution.

git reset --hard <commit id>

22. Check out the status of the repository

git status

23. Display the commit history

git log

24. Display the changes to unstaged files

git diff

You can also use the --staged flag to display the changes to staged files.

git diff --staged

25. Display the changes between two commits

git diff <commit id 01> <commit id 02>

26. Stash changes The stash allows you to temporarily store changes without committing them.

git stash

You can also add a message to the stash.

git stash save "<message>"

27. List stashes

git stash list

28. Apply a stash Applying the stash will NOT remove it from the stash list.

git stash apply <stash id>

If you do not specify the , the latest stash will be applied (Valid for all similar stash commands)

You can also use the format stash@{} to apply a stash (Valid for all similar stash commands)

git stash apply stash@{0}

29. Remove a stash

git stash drop <stash id>

30. Remove all stashes

git stash clear

31. Apply and remove a stash

git stash pop <stash id>

32. Display the changes in a stash

git stash show <stash id>

33. Add a remote repository

git remote add <remote name> <url>

34. Display remote repositories

git remote

Add a -v flag to display the URLs of the remote repositories.

git remote -v

35. Remove a remote repository

git remote remove <remote name>

36 Rename a remote repository

git remote rename <old name> <new name>

37. Fetch changes from a remote repository

git fetch <remote name>

38. Fetch changes from a particular branch

git fetch <remote name> <branch>

39. Pull changes from a remote repository

git pull <remote name> <branch>

40. Push changes to a remote repository

git push <remote name>

41. Push changes to a particular branch

git push <remote name> <branch>